Monday, April 11, 2011

Comparing the Eye and Lens

Today the use of technology continues making huge leaps. For years scientists have been trying to figure out all the ins and outs of the eye. If your familiar with photography and how a lens works you will understand that today we are still lacking focusing in photographs with ease. Although they have made leaps and bounds with the lens it still cannot compare to the amazing complexity of the eye that God has created. It is clear that a creation like the eye cannot just appear or "evolve," but that it has a Creator just like you and I.

In comparing the eye and the lens here is a quick chart below:
Comparison Chart

By looking at this chart there are several similarities. First of all there is the aperture for the camera this is used for opening for light to enter, for the eye it is called the pupil. Then in the camera there is the diaphragm to control the size of aperture controlling the amount of light entering and in the eye it is the iris muscles that control the size of the pupil. Both have a lens that helps refract light. And last, the camera has photosensitive chemicals on the film to help with the light action to form an image while the eye has photoreceptors in the retina. Think through each of these enablers. Without each and everyone of them it would be almost impossible to see or record a picture.

Do you know how many years scientists have been trying to create a lens that can match the quality of the eye? According Camerapedia one of the earliest made lens was in 1841 and they started studying the human eye way before that, meaning it has been thousands of years and humans still cannot come up with a lens to equal the complexity and quality as the eye.

The more scientists study sure the technology will increase but it will never be the same as God's creation. Scientists have done a good job reproducing many of the main parts of the eye but there are still many differences between the eye and camera lens. Differences that scientists will never be able to re-create. The biggest difference between the two is the stereoscopic view. Because we have two eyes that gives us stereoscopic vision. Stereoscopic vision gives us a more detailed and clear picture and better depth of field to the brain than a single camera lens. Another difference is that our eyes automatically go into focus according to the depth, ISO, and shutter speed. The camera you have to set up in order to get the perfect ISO and f-stop. A random interesting fact is that according to what mood your in the size of your pupil changes, yet another thing a camera cannot do.

While technology is completely amazing these days and continually keeps getting better God's creation is above all. There is no possible way something this complicated can just come into existence. There has to be a Creator and brain (an amazing one!) to be able to put together something as creative and intricate as the eye.